Your Yard Will Thank You

Alan and his team make all yards look great. Your yard will appreciate it so much that it will thank you.

 I Need Lawn Care Help


We perform numerous types of landscaping tasks to ensure every area of your yard is inviting and how you want to see it. My team specializes in the following landscaping tasks:

  • Mulch and Stone Landscape Beds
  • Landscape Design
  • Retaining Walls and Stairs
  • Shrub and Tree Trimming
  • Shrub and Tree Removal

Lawn Care

Tired of the weekly mow?

Need yard maintenance while you are out of town?

Look no further! We will take care of mowing your yard and cleaning up those edges. Our lawn care services include:

  • Mowing
  • Lawn Trimming
  • Interested in other types of lawn work? Just ask us!

Contact Us

Contact Alan and his team for all your lawn care activities:

(724) 650-5662

We are located in Ellwood City, PA